Moldovan Wines

Client: Moldovan Wines

Year: 2021

Sector: Online Retail, Food & Drink


What we did: Website re-design and build


Reduced page speed


Increased page views

Who are Moldovan Wines?

This amazing business aims to supply the finest wines that Moldova has to offer in the UK! Moldova is steeped in thousands of years of winemaking history and its production methods are handed down from generation to generation to produce some amazing wines that Moldovan Wines wants to share!

Moldovan Wines drinks
Moldovan WInes devices

How we helped Moldovan Wines

This business needed a new website to truly show off what they do and the wines that they supply. We were excited to work on this project. We made sure to emphasise the wines and their quality, with a special section of the site dedicated to the different ones they sell. Also, it’s now easy to shop the products directly from the site, helping Moldovan Wines win more customers! Finally, the site is, of course, fully mobile-responsive, so it’s also perfect for browsing wines on the go!