The Literacy Hubs
By Published On: 7 January 2024Categories: ,

Our work with The Literacy Hubs

The Literacy Hubs’ mission is to assist young individuals in nurturing the essential literacy skills required for their flourishing.

They offer distinctive, imaginative, and dynamic learning spaces that ignite the passion for reading and writing among young people, particularly those in underprivileged communities. Their primary concentration is on aiding communities in Portsmouth. Each hub is meticulously tailored to provide optimal support to its respective community.

  • added dedicated space for each ‘hub’

  • Increased SEO for core keywords

  • Ensured mobile accessability

  • Worked within new brand guidelines to fit the organisation

We truly believe in The Literacy Hubs’ mission and are delighted to offer our assistance! Our aim was to ensure that visitors could easily reach out, so we provided multiple contact options throughout the site. We also made it convenient for visitors to explore the hubs by dedicating a page to showcase past projects and provide detailed descriptions of each hub.

Jonathan Bird, Delivered Social, said:

“This was such an important project for Delivered Social, not less because Terence Carvalho is one of their trustees. A fantastic charity which really is changing lives.”

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