MCA Design UK
By Published On: 12 August 2024Categories: ,

Our work with MCA Design UK

MCA Design UK are a local family owned business based in Hampshire which serves as an architectural practice that provides professional architectural services and plans drawn for home extensions and new build properties.

MCA Design UK cover all aspects of design from initial sketches and design to detailed planning, building regulation drawings and contractor tender packages.

  • Maximises lead generation through prominent Calls To Action

  • Fully optimised for mobile devices

  • Implementation of easy to view dedicated individual service pages

  • SEO package delivered every month as part of web hosting

Delivered Social worked with Mo to dig deep into their current website and to enhance the website and in particular their SEO efforts for their services across the locations of Hampshire and West Sussex. MCA Design UK already had a pretty good SEO strategy however Mo wanted to take this to another level and a much more targeted approach compared to his last SEO agency.

Our SEO strategy involved location-based search within Hampshire and West Sussex areas. Identifying keywords with MCA Design UK allowed us to very quickly get them ranked for the services which really mattered to the business.


Mo Choudhury, Managing Director of MCA Design, said:

“We recently had our first social media consultation with Terence, and it was very informative. Terence shared a wealth of knowledge with us, explaining how companies generate leads through social media and providing us with useful tips and tricks to drive traffic to our website. He explained everything in simple terms, which was very helpful for me. The best part was that the consultation was free! To be honest, I was very impressed and may consider moving our social media contract to him.”

MCA Design UK