How Businesses Can Support Employee Mental Health During The Pandemic

2.5 min readPublished On: 19 January 2021By
Employee mental health

With the coronavirus pandemic has come a considerable rise in feelings of stress, anxiety and worry. The loss of control, financial impact and health concerns that the pandemic has caused are having a significant impact on the mental health of the country. 

There’s never been a more important time to prioritise employee mental health and wellbeing than during this challenging time. 


Make sure that your employees know how and where to get professional help if they need it. There are many resources out there to help people struggling with working remotely from mental health charities and the NHS. You can also take advantage of the many resources available to employers to empower you to support your team through these difficult times. 

You should send around regular emails signposting your employees to the places that they can find advice, tips and coping mechanisms for this challenging time. Many people may struggle to bring up mental health to their colleagues or employers, so ensuring that they have access to confidential services is crucial. 

Host A Virtual Wellbeing Event

This can be a great way to inspire your team and help them learn valuable coping mechanisms for stress and anxiety. Your virtual event doesn’t necessarily need to be related to mental health – you could host a virtual event on any topic that you think may benefit your employees and also give them the chance to engage with their co-workers. 

No matter what kind of virtual event you decide on, you should look at Speakers’ Corner for a fantastic variety of online speakers – from comedy to science to wellbeing; there will be something there to suit any event. Online events can be great for staving off loneliness among staff so they will be beneficial in many ways. 

Have Open Mental Health Discussions

Discussing mental health can be difficult. It is essential that your business does as much as it can to reduce the stigma attached to mental health. You can encourage your employees to share their concerns and any methods they have for combating them, though it is important not to push your staff to share if they are not comfortable. 

It would help if you mentioned the support and resources available at weekly meetings and by email. Giving your staff different ways to reach out will be the most effective way of engaging them in frank mental health discussions

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Encourage Your Staff To Take Their Breaks

Working from home can blur the lines of the work/life balance. Many people have set up their home office from their living rooms or kitchens, meaning that it is much harder to disconnect after work. Make sure to emphasise to your employees the importance of taking proper breaks and logging off when their workday is finished. 

Leading by example is one of the best ways to ensure that your employees take their breaks and finish at their set leaving time. Make a point to say goodbye in your company group chat when leaving work, and encourage others to do so as well. 

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