Maximise Your Instagram Story Views

You know when you put together a great outfit and then you look and feel fab and you proceed to go out and not a lot of people see you? LOL.. We have all been there, right?! That’s the same scenario with Instagram stories. You put a lot of time and energy into the content, post it and not a lot of people view it. It can be very discouraging but hey, get your head up as we are giving away the 10 trusted methods to get your Instagram story views up!

Instagram stories have become a powerful tool for increasing engagement, but getting more views requires strategy. To maximise your Instagram story views, there are 10 key methods that can help:

  1. Post when your audience is most active.
  2. Use interactive stickers.
  3. Keep your stories consistent.
  4. Add hashtags and location tags.
  5. Collaborate with other Instagram users.
  6. Keep stories short and snappy.
  7. Use engaging visuals.
  8. Create story highlights.
  9. Use Instagram ads.
  10. Encourage followers to turn on story notifications.

Each of these tactics can significantly boost your story views, helping you reach a wider audience and grow your Instagram presence. Whether you’re a business or an influencer, mastering these methods will keep your audience engaged and returning to your stories.

In this article, we at Delivered Social will break down these 10 trusted ways and methods to increase your Instagram story views, explaining why they work and how you can apply them to your Instagram strategy to get the best results. If you’re looking to increase visibility and engagement, this guide is for you. Lets get your Instagram views up:

1. Post Stories When Your Audience Is Most Active

One of the best ways to maximise your Instagram story views is by posting when your audience is most active. Instagram’s algorithm favours content that gets immediate engagement, so it’s crucial to post when your followers are online and ready to interact with your stories.

To determine the best times to post, you can use Instagram Insights, which shows when your followers are most active during the week and at specific times of day. Experiment with posting at different times and monitor your story views to find the optimal schedule.

For example, if your audience is mostly online in the evenings, posting at that time will ensure that your stories are seen early in the feed, boosting their visibility. By tapping into these peak activity times, you increase the likelihood of getting more views and engagement, helping to push your content to the top of followers’ story feeds.

Regularly checking and adjusting based on your audience’s activity will keep your Instagram stories relevant and ensure you’re always posting when your followers are most likely to watch.

2. Use Interactive Stickers

Using interactive stickers in your Instagram stories is a fun and effective way to boost engagement and, in turn, maximise your Instagram story views. Instagram offers a variety of interactive stickers, such as polls, quizzes, and question boxes, that encourage followers to actively participate in your content. When users engage with these stickers, it signals to Instagram’s algorithm that your content is valuable, which can lead to higher story placements.

Polls and quizzes allow your audience to vote or answer questions, creating a more engaging experience than just passively watching stories. Additionally, question stickers encourage followers to interact by submitting responses, which you can repost to keep the conversation going.

Interactive stickers not only make your stories more engaging but also keep users watching and interacting longer, leading to higher view counts. The more engagement your story receives, the more likely it is to be shown to other followers, ultimately increasing your story’s visibility.

By strategically placing interactive stickers in your stories, you give your audience a reason to engage with your content, which can help you gain more views and deepen your connection with followers.

3. Keep Your Stories Consistent

Consistency is key to maintaining and growing your Instagram story views. Posting stories regularly ensures that your content remains visible in your followers’ feeds. If your followers know they can expect fresh, engaging stories from you frequently, they’re more likely to check your profile and watch your stories daily.

A great way to maintain consistency is by creating a content calendar that outlines when and what you’ll post each day or week. Whether it’s behind-the-scenes content, product updates, or engaging polls, regular posting keeps your audience engaged and coming back for more.

Moreover, consistent posting helps build trust with your audience. When followers see regular content from your brand or profile, they’ll be more likely to stay engaged and loyal to your page. Remember to keep your stories aligned with your brand message, ensuring that every post feels cohesive and intentional.

By keeping your stories consistent, you can steadily increase your Instagram story views and build a stronger relationship with your audience.

Instagram Story Views

4. Add Hashtags And Location Tags

Incorporating hashtags and location tags into your Instagram stories is a simple yet effective way to maximise your Instagram story views. Hashtags expand the reach of your content beyond your followers, allowing users who follow or search for those hashtags to discover your stories. For example, if you’re a fitness brand, using hashtags like #FitnessTips or #WorkoutGoals can help people interested in those topics find your stories.

Location tags also work in a similar way by showing your stories to users who are in, or searching for, a specific area. This is especially useful for local businesses or influencers looking to connect with people in their community. Adding a location tag, such as a city or venue, increases the chances of your story appearing in that location’s story feed, broadening your visibility.

To make the most of hashtags and location tags, use ones that are relevant to your story content and your audience’s interests. Adding just one or two well-chosen tags can significantly improve your story’s reach and increase the likelihood of gaining more views.

5. Collaborate With Other Instagram Users

Collaborating with other Instagram users is a great way to expand your reach and increase your Instagram story views. By partnering with influencers, brands, or even followers, you can cross-promote content and introduce your stories to a wider audience.

Collaborations could involve shout-outs, joint campaigns, or simply tagging other users in your stories. When you work with others who have an overlapping or complementary audience, their followers are likely to view your stories as well, increasing your visibility.

Influencers and content creators can be particularly helpful as they often have engaged followers. When they mention or feature your account in their stories, their followers may be curious to check out your profile, thus boosting your story views and that can even lead to an increase in your Instagram followers. Make sure to return the favour by promoting their content too, creating a mutually beneficial partnership.

By collaborating with others, you not only gain exposure but also build relationships within your community, making your Instagram presence stronger and more connected.

Increase Instagram Story Views

6. Keep Your Stories Short And Snappy

To keep your audience engaged and maximise your Instagram story views, it’s important to make your stories short, snappy, and straight to the point. People on Instagram typically scroll through content quickly, so delivering your message in a concise and engaging way increases the chances that viewers will watch your stories to the end.

Shorter stories hold attention better, ensuring viewers don’t swipe away before they’ve finished. This increases overall engagement and signals to Instagram’s algorithm that your content is worth promoting to others. Try to avoid long, drawn-out stories with excessive text or slow pacing, as these tend to cause users to lose interest.

Using visually appealing content like quick videos, bursts of images, or short captions can help convey your message quickly while keeping the story interesting. If you have a lot of information to share, consider breaking it down into multiple short stories instead of one long one. This keeps viewers clicking through and increases your total views.

7. Maximise Your Instagram Story Views With Engaging Visuals

To truly capture attention and increase your Instagram story views, creating visually engaging content is crucial. Stories that are aesthetically pleasing and visually dynamic encourage viewers to stay longer and interact more with your content. High-quality images, vibrant colours, and well-edited videos can make your stories stand out and increase the likelihood of followers engaging with them.

Use tools like Instagram’s built-in filters, stickers, and effects to add personality and creativity to your stories. Additionally, using external apps like Canva or Adobe Spark can help create polished, branded visuals that resonate with your audience.

An important tip is to ensure that your visuals are clear, bold, and easy to follow. Avoid cluttered images or excessive text that might overwhelm viewers. Instead, focus on clean designs that highlight your message.

The better your visuals, the more likely your followers will stay engaged with your content, which can result in higher views and better story performance overall. By investing time in producing visually appealing stories, you increase your chances of standing out in an increasingly crowded Instagram space.

8. Use Story Highlights to Extend Life

Instagram stories disappear after 24 hours, but by using Story Highlights, you can extend their life and maximise their impact. Highlights allow you to group stories into categories and display them permanently on your profile, giving them a longer shelf life and allowing more people to view them over time.

Story Highlights act as an extension of your content strategy, showcasing important stories that reflect your brand, products, or key messages. By creating relevant, engaging Highlights, you can keep your audience engaged even long after the original story has expired.

For example, if you’re promoting a specific product or service, placing that story in a Highlight category like “New Products” or “Customer Reviews” ensures it remains accessible. Followers can view and engage with the content even weeks or months later, helping you increase story views and interaction long-term.

Make sure to keep your Highlights organised and updated to keep them relevant and appealing.

How to increase your Instagram story views

9. Use Instagram Ads To Boost Story Views

Instagram ads offer a powerful way to boost your story views by reaching a wider audience beyond your followers. With Instagram’s ad targeting features, you can promote your stories to users based on their interests, behaviours, and demographics, ensuring that your content is seen by people who are likely to engage with it.

By investing in Instagram story ads, businesses can increase visibility, generate more views, and drive specific actions such as product purchases, website visits, or sign-ups. Ads allow you to showcase your most engaging stories to potential customers and increase your reach quickly.

When creating story ads, ensure they are visually appealing and aligned with your brand’s message. Keep the content short, engaging, and action-driven to grab attention quickly and encourage interaction. Instagram ads are a valuable tool for those looking to expand their reach and maximise their story views effectively.

10. Encourage Followers To Turn On Story Notifications

One often overlooked way to increase your Instagram story views is by encouraging followers to turn on story notifications. When followers enable notifications for your stories, they are immediately alerted whenever you post, ensuring they never miss any of your content.

You can easily ask your followers to enable notifications through posts, stories, or captions. A simple message like, “Don’t miss out! Turn on notifications to stay updated with our latest stories,” can motivate your audience to stay engaged.

This method is especially useful if you post time-sensitive content, such as limited-time offers or special announcements.

Get More Story Views with Delivered Social

Increasing your Instagram story views doesn’t have to be difficult. By using the 10 strategies outlined in this article—from posting at peak times to using engaging visuals and promoting your content—you can boost your visibility and maximise your Instagram story views. At Delivered Social, we understand the intricacies of Instagram marketing and can help you take your Instagram strategy to the next level. Whether you need guidance or a full-service marketing solution, we’re here to help. Get in touch today and start seeing real results from your Instagram stories!

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