Apex Video Marketing
By Published On: 26 June 2024Categories:

Our work with Apex Video Marketing

Apex Video Marketing specialises in high-value YouTube video ads and channel content. With a focus on cross-cultural expertise, they ensure precise communication and audience resonance, guaranteeing successful engagement with international audiences. They partner with top brands to craft bespoke, stunning video content. From boosting engagement to driving sales, their content helps businesses thrive in the digital age. Apex Video Marketing – is where your story becomes a visual masterpiece!

Their previous website didn’t represent the brand fully and Apex Video Marketing wanted to introduce a bi-lingual website for their worldwide audiences. Delivered Social was only too happy to help.

  • Designed a website which showcased their creativity and professionalism

  • Ensured informative elements were present

  • Make the site super easy to navigate

  • Added a subdomain with a secondary language

  • We delivered a truly mobile first experience showcasing their fantastic work no matter which way the screen turned

  • With simple navigation clients can find what they are looking for simply and with ease contact the Apex team to get them booked in!

With our help, Apex Video Marketing worked on their copy, style and overall proposition. That combined with a fantastic, slick, mobile responsive website had produced dividends already. Vital to this project was the ability to launch the brand in new languages – a challenge we loved working on.

Jonathan Bird, Head Honcho Delivered Social, said:

”It was great working with the Apex team. I was impressed by the consistency of the high-quality content they produce. I thought it was brilliant! Showcasing that on their website just made our jobs so much easier.”

Apex Video Marketing Mobile