Things Small Businesses should Consider Outsourcing

One study by Deloitte found that, by outsourcing various types of work, companies are not only saving on the costs of hiring an employee full-time. They’re also adding value through the impact of innovation, ease of relationship management, and improved strategic flexibility. There are approximately 300,000 jobs outsourced by the United States each year, meaning that many companies are realising the labour cost and innovative benefits of searching a global talent pool to find the best talent at a great price. For small businesses, these types of savings and innovative approaches to their content and marketing strategies can be crucial in making a lasting impact on their targeted audiences. Here are three things every small business should consider outsourcing to get the most out of time and money.

Access Top Talent for Content Marketing & Content Creation

LinkedIn surveyed a host of marketing professionals and found that 75 percent of marketers are outsourcing content in some way. Outsourcing content is a great way to access talent that might have a different perspective on your content. This will create unique, engaging content that can educate your audience without sounding too much like a sales pitch.

The Content Marketing Institute notes that content marketing cuts costs by 62% compared to traditional marketing. This is due to the fact that your audience is finding your company organically through keywords they’re interested in. To outsource your content creation, you can start by hiring a professional freelance writer who is well-versed in SEO-optimization, link building and brand identity. Or, you can employ the use of a content writing company that will help you build relationships with writers suited to your industry and type of content.

Consider Outsourcing And Turn Content Marketing Efforts Into Real Conversions

If you knew that, despite your efforts and the efforts of your freelance copywriters in creating outstanding content, approximately 96% of people who visit your website aren’t ready to buy from you, would you be willing to outsource your conversion optimization? Content creation, a great content marketing strategy, and a stellar service or product are only stepping stones to high conversion rates, and instead of guessing as to what your small business needs in order to succeed, you might do well to hire a professional in order to put together a plan for the conversion strategies you need.

Outsource And Leave Accounting & Payroll to the Professionals

A study by Wasp Barcode Technologies found 71% of small businesses outsourced tax preparation services and 50% outsourced payroll. This is one of the most daunting tasks for any small business. Small mistakes can turn into very costly payments later down the road. It pays to leave the accounting and payroll to professionals who are trained for the needs of small businesses. This will not only save money in potential errors that could impact the financial status of your company. It will also save time and stress in the management of an area most small business owners worry about.

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Outsourcing Based on Your Weaknesses to Turn Them Into Strengths

Every small business is unique in its strengths and weaknesses. Thus, the things every small business should consider outsourcing will be different. This is simply a guide to the most cost-effective tasks that can be outsourced.  This means you can save time and money while increasing creative impact and overall conversions and sales for your company. However, it’s important to assess your company’s weaknesses first. You can then see where you would benefit the most from outsourcing. Then, compare the costs of outsourcing versus hiring a full-time employee.

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About the Author: Jonathan Bird

Jon built Delivered Social to be a ‘true’ marketing agency for businesses that think they can’t afford one. A dedicated marketer, international speaker and proven business owner, Jon’s a fountain of knowledge – after he’s had a cup of coffee that is. When not working you'll often find him walking Dembe, his French Bulldog.

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