Five Top Tips For Securing PR Opportunities

It’s no secret that we believe that securing PR opportunities, either in physical print or online publications, can work wonders for all sorts of businesses! In fact, it’s something that we regularly try to do for our clients from all different sectors. Having your name in the press can get your business out there to a wider audience that you might not have reached through digital marketing alone. It also cements you as an expert in your field or even a thought leader in your industry, depending on what you have to say! Furthermore, it helps improve your business’s reputation as one to be trusted by customers far and wide.

But how can you maximise your chances of getting into a publication? In this blog post, we’ll be sharing some of our top tips for securing PR opportunities, as well as talking about the latest opportunity we secured for our client, Events Together.

Events Together PR

PR for Events Together: what did we do?

Events Together is a full-service events agency with a focus on producing diverse and inclusive events. Headed up by Meena Chander, they’re also responsible for producing This Is Us Conference, a yearly event that discusses all things to do with diversity and inclusion in the workplace for women, BAME, and LGBTQ+ people. Shortly after the virtual 2020 conference, held in October, we managed to secure a PR piece for Meena in Platinum Business Magazine, giving her the opportunity to talk about some of the findings from the conference and what they mean for everyone in the workplace, over a whole page. She spoke about the key four findings from the event and just why they are so important.

Platinum Business Magazine is the local business magazine with the highest circulation in the whole of the UK, so it certainly gives Events Together a great opportunity to get their name out there! It will also help to spread some publicity for This Is Us Conference well ahead of the 2021 event. Making people aware of the conference early is a good way to drum up interest so that when it rolls around, more people are likely to attend. You can read the edition with this article in it (Issue 81) by clicking here.

Tips for securing PR opportunities

If you have a business and you’d like some PR opportunities of your own, it can be hard to know where to start However, getting your name into the press doesn’t have to be a headache. With some hard work and determination, there is ample opportunity out there to take advantage of! Here are our top tips for securing your own PR opportunities to market your business and get that all-important press exposure:

Have something to say

Firstly, and perhaps most importantly, it’s vital that you actually have something useful, interesting, or informative to say. To get your name into the press, editors want to see something good from you. They won’t just publish anyone for the sake of it! So, have a think about some ideas that you could pitch. How are the relevant to what’s currently going on in the world? As an example, the article that we secured for Events Together was relevant because diversity and inclusion in the workplace is a hot topic, especially with more and more people working from home on a long-term basis. And, Meena’s thoughts add genuine value to the discussion because, having run the conference, she has gathered them first hand. She is an industry expert on this topic.

So, you need to do your research. What topic keeps on cropping up on news sites, social media, or newspapers? How could you relate your business to these topics? Once you have a clear, good idea of what you want to talk about, and how you can add value to the discussion, you can start pitching your ideas to editors of magazines, online news sites, local papers, and more!

Networking is important in the world of PR

But how do you find the right people to pitch your ideas to? Firstly, have a look at the websites of the publications where you’d like to be featured. They will probably have a clear way for you to submit ideas and pitches. This should be your first port of call. But, if you’re not finding much success from this method, it’s time to get networking! Connect with editors or writers on LinkedIn and send them a message introducing yourself. Or, look for local networking events that they are likely to attend. Building up a positive working relationship with the people who can get your name published is the number one way to get success, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there so that they become familiar with who you are and what you do.

Punchy press releases are your best friend

Think you have something interesting, relevant, and unique to say? Then why not put together a press release? Having a professional press release is a great way to get noticed, even if you are only targeting local press or smaller publications for now. They still want to produce quality articles that set them apart from everyone else! What information or opinion can you provide to help them do this? Put it together in a press release that outlines the basics to pique their interest. Don’t forget to keep in on brand so that they know who you are and why you’re the expert. Having a press release looks far more professional than just sending out an email, so you’re far more likely to get success, even early on.

Don’t set your sights too high (at first!)

Of course, you may dream of a double-page spread in a national newspaper that talks all about you and your business so that the customers come flooding in. However great this may be, it might be a good idea to start a little smaller! If you’re struggling to get a full article in the press, think about how you could submit a comment as part of a larger article instead. As a business owner, you’re an expert in your industry. So, if any relevant stories pop up, how could you comment on them and lend something valuable to the discussion? This is where networking comes in handy too. Once editors know who you are and what you do, they’re more likely to think of you to call on if they have a relevant article that requires an expert comment.

Consider taking on the services of a PR agency

Finally, if you’ve tried everything you can think of on your own and you’re still not having much success securing PR opportunities, it might be time to consider taking on the services of a dedicated PR agency. After all, they are the real experts in this field. They’ll get businesses just like yours into the press every single day! While it does come at a cost, it can be worth it for the extra publicity that it can bring. Search around and ask for recommendations on the best agencies in your area and reach out to them to see how they might be able to help you.

So, there we have it: five tips for securing PR opportunities, no matter what your business may be all about! Seeing your name in the press for the first time is a really exciting feeling, and it’s achievable with a little hard work!

Want to know how we are able to secure opportunities in the press like what we’ve done with Events Together? Why not get in touch to find out more?

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About the Author: Abbie Mills

Abbie loves all things to do with writing and content creation! She puts her skills to use creating SEO pages, blogs, and more for our clients.

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