Top Sustainable Influencers

The world is waking up to the importance of sustainability, and influencers are playing a huge role in spreading the message. In the UK, sustainable influencers lead the charge—advocating for eco-friendly living, promoting sustainable brands, and influencing lifestyle choices. In fact, a recent study shows that 86% of UK consumers are more likely to support brands with strong sustainability credentials. Are you ready to discover the top UK sustainability influencers shaping this movement in 2025?

From zero-waste advocates to green energy campaigners, these influencers are not just talking the talk—they’re living it. Whether you’re looking to collaborate with sustainability influencers or seek inspiration for a more eco-conscious lifestyle, this article has everything you need!

Why Sustainability Influencers Matter in 2025

The rise of social media has given a platform to voices that would have otherwise gone unheard. Sustainability influencers, in particular, have been able to use these platforms to raise awareness about critical environmental issues, from climate change to reducing waste and adopting an eco-friendly lifestyle.

By sharing their personal journeys and engaging content, these influencers help break down complex topics into actionable advice that anyone can follow. It’s not just about promoting products—it’s about encouraging their audience to make more mindful, eco-conscious decisions. With environmental issues becoming a top priority for many UK citizens, influencers are helping to bridge the gap between education and action.

Take Ella Mills, the founder of Deliciously Ella, for example. She’s not only an advocate for plant-based diets but also uses her platform to encourage reducing food waste and using sustainable ingredients. It’s influencers like her that are driving meaningful change. They really are the Top Sustainable Influencers – and you really should give them a follow.

  • Eco-conscious consumerism on the rise: UK consumers increasingly want to support brands that align with their values, and influencers are key in shaping those choices.
  • Social impact and authenticity: Influencers who live sustainable lives attract dedicated followings because their messages resonate with people trying to reduce their carbon footprints.
  • Influencing real change: Influencers use their platforms to raise awareness and campaign for environmental causes, often working alongside charities and organisations.

Top Sustainable Influencers in the UK for 2025

If you’re wondering who to follow for sustainability inspiration, we’ve rounded up the very best sustainable influencers in the UK for 2025. These individuals are not only promoting green living but are also championing important causes such as zero-waste lifestyles, ethical fashion, veganism, and eco-activism.

  1. Ella Mills (@deliciouslyella)
    • Founder of Deliciously Ella, promoting plant-based living and sustainability
    • Focus on reducing food waste, sustainable sourcing, and plant-based nutrition
    • Author, app creator, and brand founder who has made sustainability accessible for many
  2. Immy Lucas (@sustainably_vegan)
    • Advocate for low-impact living, veganism, and zero waste
    • Promotes slow fashion and sustainability through everyday lifestyle changes
    • Encourages followers to adopt more eco-conscious habits
  3. Lucy Siegle (@theseagull)
    • Journalist and author focusing on environmental issues and ethical fashion
    • Campaigns against fast fashion and single-use plastics
    • Known for her insightful commentary on sustainability in media
  4. Venetia La Manna (@venetialamanna)
    • Ethical fashion campaigner and slow fashion advocate
    • Uses her platform to challenge fast fashion and support eco-friendly brands
    • Co-founder of the “Remember Who Made Them” campaign to support garment workers
  5. Aja Barber (@ajabarber)
    • Writer, stylist, and slow fashion advocate
    • Focuses on intersectional environmentalism, highlighting how climate change and unethical fashion practices affect marginalized communities
    • Author of Consumed, a book about sustainable fashion and the impacts of consumerism
  • Platforms to watch: Most of these influencers share their content on Instagram, YouTube, and Twitter, making it easy to find sustainable advice and product recommendations tailored to different lifestyles.
  • Niche focus: Some influencers focus on specific areas of sustainability, like veganism or slow fashion, while others take a more holistic approach, offering tips across various eco-friendly topics.

Sustainable Influencer

How to Collaborate with Sustainability Influencers

Collaborating with sustainability influencers is a powerful way for brands to reach a growing audience of eco-conscious consumers. Whether you’re a new eco-friendly brand or an established company looking to go greener, influencers can help amplify your message authentically.

Here are some tips on collaborating with sustainability influencers:

  • Choose the right influencer: Look for influencers whose values align with your brand. Authenticity is key when it comes to influencer marketing in the sustainability space.
  • Create meaningful partnerships: Sustainable influencers are selective about the brands they work with. Ensure that your products and messaging are genuinely eco-friendly.
  • Build long-term relationships: Instead of one-off posts, build lasting partnerships that show your brand’s commitment to sustainability. Long-term collaborations often feel more authentic and generate better engagement.

Successful collaborations include brands like Patagonia working with micro-influencers who promote slow fashion, or Lush collaborating with influencers advocating for zero waste and cruelty-free products. These partnerships not only boost brand visibility but also foster genuine connections with the audience.

Top Sustainable Influencers – Marketing Trends to Watch in 2025

As sustainability becomes an integral part of business and lifestyle, influencer marketing is adapting. Here are some trends to keep an eye on in 2025:

  • Micro-influencers leading the way: While macro-influencers have large followings, micro-influencers are gaining traction due to their highly engaged communities. Their influence, although on a smaller scale, often feels more personal and authentic.
  • The rise of transparency: Consumers are increasingly wary of “greenwashing,” so influencers who are transparent about their partnerships and sustainable practices are earning more trust.
  • Authentic storytelling: Influencers are moving away from curated perfection and embracing real, behind-the-scenes content. Sharing struggles and personal stories resonates deeply with audiences.
  • Influencers as educators: Many influencers are taking their content beyond inspiration, offering educational resources, eco-friendly product reviews, and how-to guides for sustainable living.

How to Support and Engage with Sustainability Influencers

If you’re inspired by these influencers, there are many ways to support and engage with them. Whether you’re a brand or a follower, getting involved helps amplify their message and spread awareness:

  • Follow and share: Support influencers by engaging with their content—like, comment, and share their posts to help increase their reach.
  • Join their campaigns: Many influencers run initiatives, challenges, or campaigns that encourage their followers to take action on important environmental issues.
  • Adopt their advice: Take on some of the sustainable practices they promote, from reducing plastic use to embracing slow fashion. You can even share your progress to inspire others!
  • Engage authentically: Whether through social media or community events, meaningful engagement with these influencers helps grow the sustainability movement.

As we move further into 2025, it’s clear that sustainability influencers in the UK are making an undeniable impact on how people live, shop, and make eco-conscious choices. By following and supporting these changemakers, you can learn valuable tips on living more sustainably and even influence others to do the same. If you’re a brand looking to partner with influencers, these eco-conscious advocates can help you authentically connect with a sustainability-focused audience.

It’s time to be part of the solution. Follow these UK sustainability influencers today, and start making greener choices for a brighter, more sustainable future! I have a business that wants to connect with top sustainable influencers in the UK. Get in touch today!

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