The Oakleaf Fire Walk

We love it when new members of staff join the Delivered Social team. As we always say, no day here is ever the same. And Sasha’s, the newest member of our website design team, first week here has definitely proved that to be true! Her first couple of unofficial days with the team were at the company conference, so she definitely settled in quickly. But Wednesday 10th October was her second official day. What better way to mark this occasion than by doing a firewalk in aid of Oakleaf? Perhaps by taking part in another charity event and lying down in the middle of Guildford High Street? Take a look at this video where Sasha talks about her first few days in the company, including footage from the firewalk!

The Oakleaf Firewalk

The team had a great time conquering mind over matter at the Oakleaf firewalk on World Mental Health Day. It was a really fun and unique way to raise some money for a charity that does some amazing work in the local community. Oakleaf provides vocational training for people with mental health needs in Surrey and has done so since 1995! At Delivered Social, we have done quite a lot of work with the charity and the team there and we always admire everything they do. So, it was an honour to be able to participate in this event with them. Everyone who participated in the Oakleaf firewalk was amazing and conquered their fears! It was also great to raise some money to help with all the work that Oakleaf does. To find out more about Oakleaf, visit their website here!

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We also took part in Guildford’s first Sleepy Flash Mob on Sasha’s second day. You can see more about this event here on our blog. To find out more about the fundraising events we’ve taken part in, why not visit our blog?

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Delivered Social is a digital marketing agency with one mission—to help businesses grow. We’re famous in Guildford and Portsmouth for our social clinics. We believe in free advice. We build lasting relationships because our team prides itself on being helpful, which our clients appreciate.

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About the Author: Abbie Mills

Abbie loves all things to do with writing and content creation! She puts her skills to use creating SEO pages, blogs, and more for our clients.

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