9 reasons your business NEEDS a social clinic

Our free social media clinics are great fun to host. We love inviting companies into our screening room, where we analyse their websites and social media accounts in forensic detail. We offer free and unfiltered advice, encouraging businesses to rethink their online presence and make the web work in their favour. Here are nine reasons why you really should book a social clinic for your business…

9. We have popcorn

Firstly, if you’re anything like us, free snacks will probably be enough to lure you out of the office. Sitting at your desk all day is never fun, so come on over to our screening room for some tasty nibbles and a lot of friendly chat.

8. You aren’t keeping up with social media

Maintaining your company’s social media accounts is a daunting job which raises a lot of questions: how often should update each channel, and what are you meant to say? Because of this, it is easy to let business social media pages fall into disuse. If you’ve fallen into this trap, we can help.

7. You aren’t happy with your website

So many people that attend our social clinics are highly unhappy with their company’s website. In many cases, these sites were expensive to procure, and yet they fail to properly represent what the business does. From simple fixes to complete rebuilds, we can amend your website woes.

6. Your Google ranking is way off target

When you type your company’s keywords into Google (e.g. barber shop in Guildford), is your business the first thing that comes up on the search results page? Is it even on that page? There is no magic wand to wave that will boost your ranking, but we do know some top tactics that could help.

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5. You need fresh eyes

You probably look at your website every day. And, you know how to use it. in fact, you may even be too close to the site to see its flaws. We will bring a fresh perspective, looking at your site for the first time, in much the same way that a prospective customer would.

4. We won’t hold back

If we see something on your site that could be improved, you can be damn sure that we’ll tell you about it! Our social clinics can be brutal but they always lead to a catharsis, when we come up with a play to fix the flaws and recreate your website as something your truly love.

3. Our advice is totally free

Our fresh eyes, honest opinions and out-of-the-box ideas will come to you completely free of charge. There is zero cost associated to our social clinics, and we never try to sell our services in the room. Your social clinic is all about you and your business.

2. You could even get a website for nothing

Through our Free Ten project, we give away ten free websites every month. We do this to support up-and-coming businesses who need a helping hand to get started in the online realm. If your company fits that description, we may well offer you a Free Ten site after your social clinic.

1. Our feedback speaks for itself

Finally, we always ask for feedback after our social clinics, and the response we’ve received so far has been overwhelmingly positive. If you head over to our feedback page, you’ll see a long list of people who came out of our screening room feeling inspired by our ideas and enthusiastic about improving their online presence. If you would like to feel that way, book a social clinic today!

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Introducing Delivered Social. We’re The Most-Rated Digital Agency In Surrey & Hampshire – We’ve Got To Be Doing Something Right.

Delivered Social is a digital marketing agency with one mission—to help businesses grow. We’re famous in Guildford and Portsmouth for our social clinics. We believe in free advice. We build lasting relationships because our team prides itself on being helpful, which our clients appreciate.

If you are looking for a new website or an agency to manage your social media presence, we can help.

If you need something slightly different, here's a super handy list of all our services, or you can always email us.

About the Author: Jonathan Bird

Jon built Delivered Social to be a ‘true’ marketing agency for businesses that think they can’t afford one. A dedicated marketer, international speaker and proven business owner, Jon’s a fountain of knowledge – after he’s had a cup of coffee that is. When not working you'll often find him walking Dembe, his French Bulldog.

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