digital marketing agency Surrey

At Delivered Social we are understanding the changing needs of our clients and the importance of providing them with simple and accessible information. As a digital marketing agency Surrey, we are often faced with people who need advice and quick solutions for their websites, social media or other problems. This is when we realised we were spending a lot of time repeating the same advice to different clients. When the same issues crop up time after time, it is a lot easier to offer them a place to find what they need. That way, we are providing them with support and ensuring they have that information on hand whenever they might need it. But why use video content?

Because it means people can access the advice and information at any time and come back to it should they need to. Our team have been diving into the world of YouTube and producing some fantastic video tutorials for our clients or anyone who wants some top tips. As much as we love interacting with clients and having a chat while we solve their problems – we’re sure that everyone would appreciate more time for websites to be launched and amazing social content to be created! That’s why we’re making sure there are answers for you in one place. That way, we can point people in the right direction and ensure they have everything they need on hand in a short video.

why use video content

Why use video content to improve the support we provide?

In the past, our heads of department and other team members have been approached by clients who are struggling with emails or how to upload a blog. When we address this, a lot of people would jump on the phone or pop it into an email. While this gives us a nice opportunity to personalise the support and have a quick chat with our lovely clients – it does mean we often give out the same advice time and time again. While this is still the case and we love taking the time to talk to everyone, we have noticed there are more efficient ways of tackling it.

Video content provides not only clients but other members of the community with condensed and engaging information that they can revisit at any point. As a digital marketing agency Surrey, we use our experts to deliver content in a more unique format and mix up the ways in which we can help other people. It means, the people that are best equipped to help you – are on hand 24/7 with the top tips and tutorials that can walk you through every step.

One of the things that we’ve noticed a lot of people asking about recently is LinkedIn. It’s a fantastic platform but a lot of people find it hard to navigate or miss the small tricks. Recently we had a client ask how to check their SSI score on LinkedIn. So our Head Honcho Jon has put together this really quick and simple tutorial on how to do it and why you should be keeping up with your social selling index. This is one answer to the question “why use video content”? Just see for yourself!

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What is an SSI score?

SSI stands for social selling index and is a great tool to use to see how well you are performing on LinkedIn. It gives you data to display how good you are at connecting with the right people and how much others in your industry like engaging with your content. But why is it important to stay proactive on this platform?

LinkedIn is a great way for professionals to share insightful content and their expert knowledge in the field. While you can interact between industries, it allows you to easily find and engage with posts covering topics that will interest you. With so many industry professionals at your fingertips, it can be difficult at first to make a big impact with what you post. But as you connect with others and see what people are sharing or commenting on, you get an idea of what people are looking for.

The LinkedIn SSI index gives us a great idea as a digital marketing agency Surrey how influential and valuable our content is within the social realm. It can also serve you well in finding out how to better your presence on LinkedIn and what you should be doing differently. You can see where you are ranking compared to others that do similar things and what kinds of people you need to connect with. It allows you to consciously dive in and learn all about your digital presence. This is hugely important when trying to network and create new leads for your business.

The four components of your SSI are:

  • Establishing relationships
  • Engage with insights
  • Find the right people
  • Establish your professional brand

If you’re looking for more information, here’s our Head Honcho talking about how to check your SSI in more detail.

How to change your LinkedIn Profile URL

Another LinkedIn tip that we share a lot is how to change your URL. This can benefit you in many ways if you’re looking to become more influential or make yourself easier to find. This will be noticed by potential employers, clients and people who may want to connect with you. One of the best parts about LinkedIn is the opportunity it gives people to showcase their business persona. As a result, you need to think carefully about what URL people associate you with and how people are finding your content.

We would advise keeping it simple and relevant to you. By doing so, people will be more inclined to connect with you and they will understand which part of the industry or niche you come from. Sticking to your name is an easy choice, but may present an issue for those with quite common names. It isn’t the end of the world if you can’t stick to this because your name will still appear in your profile, however it is an option many people prefer.

Why should you bother?

If you do have quite a common name that isn’t available on its own as a URL you could add a location as Jon does in the video. Going from Jonathan Bird to Jonathan Bird UK is a great way to differentiate yourself but keep it clear where you are based. As well as that, it will help get you noticed in the right crowds and be a start in drawing in your target audience. You can customise your URL based on what works for you, but essentially it acts as a way to stand out from the crowd and avoid confusion. This will allow you to network effectively – which as you know is essential for any business professional.

Another more simple advantage of using this tool is that it shows off your ability to use the platform and take initiative in the small details that will help you get noticed. While you might think no one notices these additions, the people that do will make a note of it and it can bump up your reputation in the world of LinkedIn.

Now you know why it’s so important – crack on! Our fantastic team has put together a handy video on how to do just that. So take five minutes out of your day to make a small change in your social platform that could have a big impact on overall engagement and your all-important SSI analytics.

Want more tips from a digital marketing agency Surrey?

We hope the question “why use video content?” has been answered in this blog. For things like LinkedIn, it’s been a really useful tool in creating super easy answers to common questions.

LinkedIn is one of the social media platforms that can seem overwhelming and confusing at first. While these topics may seem daunting or hard to understand at first we have come to realise the power of a condensed and easy to follow video. They offer a more personal and proactive approach to the resolutions of very common problems. So if you’re looking for ways to save your clients’ time or yourself time traipsing through articles and SERPS (search engine results pages) then why not head over to YouTube for some unique content.

We have tonnes of new videos over on our page that discuss everything digital and more. So next time you find yourself wondering how to set up your email signature or how to embed a video on WordPress – you’ll know where to find the answer. We have advice, top tips and tutorials for a lot of common questions. Each is condensed to a short but informative clip that you can watch or follow along to.

If you’re thinking about making your own videos (now you know how helpful they are) we offer all kinds of services here at delivered social from web design to filming and video creation. Our free social clinics offer an opportunity to have a conversation with us about the direction of your business and see how we can help get you where you want to be. So save yourself some valuable time answering those questions and compile your expertise into some engaging content!

If you want to learn more, get in contact here or book into a social clinic now!

Fancy some more light reading? Check these out:

Why Facebook Follower Campaigns Are A Waste Of Money

Differences Between The TikTok App And Other Social Media Platforms

Ultimate Guide to Images on The Internet

Top Tips for Understanding How to Track Blog Traffic In Google Analytics

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Introducing Delivered Social. We’re The Most-Rated Digital Agency In Surrey & Hampshire – We’ve Got To Be Doing Something Right.

Delivered Social is a digital marketing agency with one mission—to help businesses grow. We’re famous in Guildford and Portsmouth for our social clinics. We believe in free advice. We build lasting relationships because our team prides itself on being helpful, which our clients appreciate.

If you are looking for a new website or an agency to manage your social media presence, we can help.

If you need something slightly different, here's a super handy list of all our services, or you can always email us.

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