Blank cards can be extremely useful in promoting your business. Remind people that you are there, by making them feel noticed. A blank card allows you to say “congratulations” or “hello” to people in your network without it being too ‘in-your-face.’ It’s a subtle promotion for your company and a reminder you are still there if they need you. Is your business using blank cards yet? If not, you should be! Our Head of Web, Sasha, has done a Social Snippet and written a blog post about this very subject. Watch the video here, then read on for even more information:
What are Blank Cards?
Firstly, Blank Cards are literally what they say they are. Blank cards with your business logo/name on the front, but inside are left blank for any message you wish to handwrite on it. ‘With Compliments’ note are getting old, and are becoming too impersonal. Receiving a handwritten note always makes you feel welcomed and cared for. So why don’t you send them to those around you?
[code_snippet id=6]
Say ‘congratulations’ to someone starting a new position or for getting that promotion they wanted. Say ‘hello’ to someone in your network or an introduction to a new networking possibility. Imagine the smile on their face when they open a card that was personalised to them. Not only does it make them feel special but it reminds them that you are there and are a loyal client, customer, or colleague.
Moving from ‘with compliments’ to blank cards – Make it personal! Handwritten cards gives a personal touch
Why are Blank Cards a good idea?
They allow you to promote and advertise your business without the receiver consciously noticing; it gives a subliminal hint of marketing yet gives the card a personal touch. Nowadays, everything is done through technologies. Emails, texts, and voicemails aren’t as heartfelt or genuine compared to a handwritten message. In addition to this, blank cards aren’t used very often, so this creates a unique and sincere message to send. This will then make you stand out in the crowd from other businesses.
Blanks Cards Template – How will you use a blank card?
Use Blank Cards – Promote Your Business!
It’s now your chance to try it. Make you, your service or your business stand out from the rest of them. You can buy blank cards and stick business cards on the front. Or you can order personalised cards from most digital printers; these high-quality cards can make such a difference.
Let us know what you think and how you get on with your blank cards?
Using blank cards to promote your business – what we do at Delivered Social?
We’ve got stacks of branded blank cards at Delivered Social ready for all types of occasions, such as when we get a new customer on board, their anniversary with us. You name it, we love sending cards. Bode Interiors, actually still have the very first card we sent them hanging in their office (just proves it’s a great reminder).
Finally, are you looking for some more marketing inspiration? Check out 5 kinds of content your followers will love! Or, another great marketing idea: branded chocolates!
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