Making your website and social media work in harmony

Want to know our TEN-POINT equation for making your website and social media work. It’s vital these two components are singing on the same song sheet because without them you are leaving your business to chance.

These 10 points, if implemented, are guaranteed to bring you more website traffic and higher quality leads – the miracle every business is looking for.

The ten-point equation: Making your website and social media work in harmony

Graphic showcasing how making your website and social media work together increases productivity

When your website and social media work together in the right ways, the results can be great!

Use EFFECTIVE images.

Social media is a very visual place. Putting images on your website – preferably ones optimised for display on social media networks – is a great way to demand attention in a newsfeed. Making sure that the images on your website and social media are consistent is very important too!

Have more than one.

Single page websites can look good but it means that anyone sharing a link to your website will only be able to share your home page, rather than the specific part they thought was interesting. Because of this number ten is probably very important.

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Be responsible with responsive.

Mobile traffic is not just growing. It’s now a primary source of traffic thanks to social media. Ensure your site looks shiny and functions across all devices with a responsive design.

Be social.

Make sure you feature your social links prominently. We’re talking about including the social networking site icons (in either their original colours or your brand colours) in your website header. And in your website footer. Hell, include them in the website sidebar too.

Make your content easy to be shared.

By adding sharing buttons to your website you make it easier for your reader to share what they find.

Google Analytics is a must!

Adding Google Analytics to your website will help you to identify which of your social media efforts is working for you and what traffic sources matter to your business.

Add social-specific markups.

Make sure your website links show up spectacularly when shared on social media by including the necessary markup. Facebook is quite clever, but using meta-tags will mean that the image you’ve chosen will pop up on the preview. Twitter isn’t clever, and you need to include specific coding called Twitter Card Markup for it to display nicely.

Capture data all day – every day.

Arguably the ideal outcome of social media marketing is to get into someone’s inbox by them signing up to your mailing list. Incentivise people to sign up by offering a free giveaway – anything from money off vouchers to a free e-book. Need a little more inspiration? Check out Short Stack’s guide on how to use prizes and rewards in successful promotions.

Feature a contact form.

People don’t want to search around your site looking for an email address – they want you to make it easy for them. Featuring a contact form just makes their life a little easier and in turn, will increase your conversion.


Finally, regular new content gives you plenty to post on social media about, and hosting your blog on your site gives you an easy way to direct fans there. It’s a real win-win. Don’t forget the power of guest blogs – check out a great example of this with 5 things we learnt about Hester B Photography today!

In summary: Which one of the ten points will you work on today?

So there you have it! With these tips, you’ll have no issues making your website and social media work hand in hand. Are you looking to gain more website exposure from your social media efforts? Contact us for more information (or just say hi if you enjoyed our guide).

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About the Author: Jonathan Bird

Jon built Delivered Social to be a ‘true’ marketing agency for businesses that think they can’t afford one. A dedicated marketer, international speaker and proven business owner, Jon’s a fountain of knowledge – after he’s had a cup of coffee that is. When not working you'll often find him walking Dembe, his French Bulldog.

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